Read A FiveSibes Book for Literacy Day!


FiveSibes Flashback ~ 2018 ~ "Harley" With All of My K9 Books!

 With this week seeing Read A Book Day and today's International Literacy Day, it's a good time for (unabashed self-promotion) for FiveSibesMom's books! Right? Why not?! 

I always had fun with my FiveSibes posing with books I wrote because they were about them, in one way or another! And honestly, it always seemed like they knew and were excited to pose! 

FiveSibes Flashback ~ 2014 ~ "Chloe" With My Buddy, the Christmas Husky~A True Holiday Miracle Books!

First, though, Read A Book Day was this past Wednesday, September 6th, and of course as an author, it's my kind of day! It is a day to encourage folks to pick up a book, any book (even a FiveSibes book!) and read! 

Plus, this week-today actually--is International Literacy Day and is a critically important day. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), "Despite steady progress made across the world, literacy challenges persist with at least 763 million young people and adults lacking basic literacy skills in 2020. The recent COVID-19 crisis and other crisis, such as climate change and conflicts, have been exacerbating the challenges." UNESCO goes on to explain, "In low- and middle-income countries, the share of 10-year-old children who could not read and understand a simple text with comprehension has increased from 57 per cent in 2019 to an estimated 70 per cent in 2022. In this context, this year’s International Literacy Day will be celebrated worldwide under the theme, ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.'"

As an author, career photojournalist, and avid reader, I stand behind both of these "holidays" and the importance of literacy and helping young children learn to read. I'm proud of my books, and have donated many copies of my FiveSibes Tales children's books: What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy and Getting Healthy With Harley: Learning About Health & Fitness and am thrilled when folks share photos of their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, best friends' chidlren, and even the dogs reading one of my books!

Flashback ~ 2015 ~ Jr. Iditarod Racer Nicole Forto on the Trail With 
FiveSibes Tale Getting Healthy With Harley!


Did You Know...?

✔️My K9 books all have a charity I donate a portion to? (Very proud that this can be done thanks to you all who buy my books!)

 Read Barbara's phenomenal story HERE!


✔️All of my K9 books are award-winnng books! (Yep, I am really proud of that, too!)


✔️Most of my books are still available! (With exception of What's Wrong With Gibson. That one's out of stock for now).

✔️Once available on Amazon, but due to rising costs of shipping, now sold only through my own ArcticHouse Books & Gifts Shoppe HERE.

✔️I've been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul books (non K9).  I have a few available if interested! Just send me a note!

✔️I've also been published in the Rosie the Riveter books series! 

Bandit wanted to know...

FiveSibes Flashback ~ 2019 ~ "Bandit" Browsing Books!


Gibson replied...

Woo! How about EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy?

FiveSibes Flashback ~ 2015 ~ "Gibson" Reading His Story!


According to, Read A Book Day is to, "Encourage people to read books. Reading has many benefits, including improving vocabulary, concentration, and critical thinking skills. Reading can also help you relax and escape reality for a little while."


 💛 Memories Are Visits For the Heart 💛



The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday, include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along and visit the other blogs and don't forget to leave a nice comment! 

Happy Friday!







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  1. We missed that it was literary day! I’m such an avid reader, this is one holiday I fully support! I’m not sure I knew you had written so many books! Congratulations!

  2. Such special Sibes, forever and always.

  3. Your books are amazing books for kids and dog parents! Awards are all well deserved! I'm always so impressed with the legacy you continue to carry on as a warrior for Gibson and all your Five Sibes.
    Personally, I taught English to young children from different countries. It was one of my most heart full filling jobs. They were always so proud when they could read something (and understand it) that they thought was too difficult or read something to me with confidence. They just glowed with pride as they would read words they once stumbled over. Their most favorite books were always focused on animals and dogs. They would've loved your books. I'm sharing this with all my dog parents and teachers (former and present).

  4. As a self proclaimed life-long bookworm, I am all about Literacy promotion! I think that's one reason why I loved being a therapy dog team with Icy so much - most of our assignments were kids reading aloud to dogs. Icy loved the kids and I loved doing those visits too! I think books are imperative in this world, I value them so much. I have several of your books too, which I've thoroughly enjoyed!


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