Reflection on a #FlashbackFriday

FiveSibes Flashback ~ Wolfie ~ Autumn 2021

"Transitions are a time for reflection, and a time for looking forward." ~Roy Cooper


I came across this photo today of Wolfie's beautiful face and it's reflection in our glass patio table, and it was a complete surprise. I was scrolling through the PhotoBooth App on my laptop that I have not used in a couple of years, and to be honest, forgot I even had, only to discover a few pics of my grandkids and my boy Wolfie. To the left of Wolfie (off screen) are my grandchildren, smiling and eating ice cream, with my boy right beside them (and most likely waiting for his fair share of ice cream)! 

As I have mentioned before, being the last of my beloved FiveSibes standing did not agree with Wolfie's nature. He missed his pack family desperaetely. Thankfully, after a long period of grief, he bonded with my two young grandchildren, adopting (I believe) them as his new pack family as he was always by their side or at the very least, never too far away. He loved to be wherever they were. This is some amazing feat for a grieving senior dog. This photo reminded me of how much he loved the little ones, and also just how much life has changed. I still miss my gentle boy, and know I alway will. 

There are many meanings about reflection here today--in the photo, and as the quote says, transitions are a time for reflection, and this was during a period of transition for all of us on many levels. While at that moment in time, we looked forward to the future and our new adventures waiting for us. I never gave much thought about the inevitable loss of the last of our FiveSibes.

So, I leave you with this: Embrace today, so your future reflections and memories of today will always be fondly remembered while bringing a smile to your face and love to your heart.


 đź’› Memories Are Visits For the Heart đź’›




The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday, include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along and visit the other blogs and don't forget to leave a nice comment! 

Happy Friday!








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  1. With three of my collies noticeably slowing down, this hits kind of hard. Two are 12 and one is 11, and my heart hurts when I think about how little time we have left. The inevitable grief is coming, so I’m trying to just focus on each day. I joined the blog hop, but I am not able to write a remembrance or Flashback post right now. So we just used a recent post, hope that’s okay. I wanted to ask, do you have any new dogs in your life?

  2. Love this pic of Wolfie's soft face. So white and pure and fluffy. He was such a beautiful boy. I know how much you miss him. ♥

  3. Such a touching pic and remembrance of your sweet boy. đź’ś đź’™ đź’ś

  4. Another great flashback and an amazing metaphor! Reflections! Great photo and perfect for the point you were all at in that moment. You are so right to embrace today what are tomorrow's memories, as they will fly by in a blink of an eye or wag of a tail. Definitely great encouragement to make the moments count and see them in the moment when they count. I'm sharing this wonderful post with all my dog parents.

  5. What a stunning pic of Wolfie! It's really cool with his reflection on the table. What a special boy he was. It must have been so hard for him to lose his Husky pack and be the lone "Wolf". I'm sure he did think of the kids as his pack, and probably felt strongly as their protector. I'm trying hard to focus on what a blessing my memories of Phoebe are, and to cherish every moment I still have with Icy.


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