K9 Laundry Assistant

 #FiveSibes Flashback ~ "Gibson" ~ May 2015

Ah, to know Gibson was to love him, and laugh. This boy was born a comedian. He was a special soul, my heart dog for always. He always managed to bring a smile - or chuckle - to me! This boy had a huge personality - and it was great. He had a zest for life and truly loved every moment of it. Yes, he had epilepsy, but this boy never let it keep him down, nor did it ever do anything to dampen his joy. Once in a lifetime along comes that more-than-special dog soul, and he was mine. Pictured here, is just one of the many Silly Gibbie moments. I was in my room, organizing my disaster of a walk-in closet. When I came out, there was Gibson all comfy waiting for me...and holding my tossed empty hangers with his big beautiful paw, as if to say, "Here, I'm helping you, Mom." 
Yup, G, you still have me laughing.

I hope this fond Flashback brought a smile or chuckle to you, too.

Enjoy every small little moment of life.
 💛 Memories Are Visits For the Heart 💛
~ J O I N  U S! ~

The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Please include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along down Memory Lane with us and visit the other blogs. Don't forget to leave a nice comment! Happy Friday!



 Be sure to visit our blog home page MENU for #LiveGibStrong Online K9 Epilepsy Resource Library for more info on seizures and Canine Epilepsy, as well as much more info on Siberian Huskies, rescues, Lost & Found listings, and much more.


  1. Wooo, A good huskerboo indeed. Play bows,


  2. Awww...sweet, sweet Gibson. ♥ Fiona was my laundry dog. lol She always hung out when I was putting clothes away. We have some wonderful memories, don't we?

  3. Sweet Gibson, always the smile maker!

  4. That face says it all, I giggled also as there is nothing like those beautiful memories that cause us to chuckle, bring a smile to our faces at their quirkiness

  5. You and Gibson were just meant for each other. Ying and yang for certain! You were blessed indeed to have such a pup and he was lucky to have you. Such a beautiful photo of the Gibson boy and a lovely memory. May we all be blessed with critters that bring us such joy.

  6. How helpful * cough cough * Trust a Husky to make you laugh (especialy at laundry time). What a lovely boy he was, he always looks so magnficicent to me, so vibrant and alive in every photo. Huskies totally rock!

    Marjorie at Dash Kitten


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