#FlashbackFriday: A #FiveSibes Christmas (in July)


#FlashbackFriday ~ Chloe, Bandit, Wolfie & Harley ~ Christmas Day 2018
Sugar and Spice
and All Furry Nice!
Celebrating Christmas in July, I thought this would be a great week to flashback to a Christmas past. Oh, how a photograph is truly a wonderful visit for the heart. This photo brings a smile to my face along with a chuckle for as you can see our Chloe, Bandit, and Harley were so excited for more Christmas morn gifts and treats (mostly treats), and Wolfie, well, can you spot him taking a post-Christmas morning snooze? Oh, that was my boy,  a sleepy Sibe, always enjoying a good nap or ten! I always said he was equivalent to a teenage boy, always sleeping! Even treats could not stir him from his comfy bed!
Do you have a cherished Christmas moment shared with your pet? 
Tell me about it!

 Merry Christmas in July!
 ♥︎ Memories are Visits for the Heart ♥︎


The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday, include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along and visit the other blogs and don't forget to leave a nice comment! 

Happy Friday!



  1. I am laughing here over Wolfie sleeping through it all, just adorable. We do not celebrate Christmas but my favorite memory is when Layla gets a Christmas package each year from friends of ours, she loves it

  2. Epic flashback guys, Christmas in July is marvelous!!!

  3. Oooh-oooh, a Christmas chill definitely would be nice these hot July days. Thanks for cooling us off for a few moments.

  4. What a great Christmas memory and photo! Thanks for sharing!

    I remember a couple of years ago I got Henry a new round calm bed for Christmas. He was in that dang thing and asleep before it even hit the ground. It's still his favorite bed. I should really think about getting a backup this year. Awe, Christmas in July. That means I should start preparing for the holidays doesn't it...well if I was was prepared. But I'll probably wait until November. LOL

  5. OK I LOVE your Christmas in July pictures and I adore that 5 Sibes snowglobe. Wow it is so cool. Happy Memories of some wonderful dogs.

    Marjorie at Dash Kitten

  6. What a great memory! This heat wave is making me wish for winter weather!

  7. I too like to revisit photos and videos of memories of Jasmine. It brings you back in time.


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