A Spiritual Kiss From North of the Rainbow Bridge

The order screen at McDonalds drive-through window today went dark and this beautiful rainbow X appeared. Was it a message?
 "See that beautiful rainbow? That’s them saying hello and that they are okay on the other side." 
 ~Rebecca, ComfortConnects.com
How cool is this?
The photo above...I was at the drive-through to place an order and their screen suddenly "blacks" out, but then a beautiful rainbow light showed reflecting in the now-off order screen! 🌈☀️ I had to stare for a long moment, my mind trying to comprehend what I was witnessing...Then, as I am driving away, the screen comes back on, and all is back to normal.

That sign was just for me. Obviously. A sign from our dear #FiveSibes furangel Bandit, who passed just a short two weeks earlier on October 24th, letting me know she had arrived north of the Rainbow Bridge and is with her pack family--sister Chloe, Harley and Gibson?
The rainbow sign had four tangents...in an "X"...which is a kiss...representing my four furangels, or a sign that our fourth FiveSibes, dear Bee, was now with her furfamily? 

What do you think? A spiritual kiss from my Sibes?

 I sure believe! 

Thank you my dear, sweet Bee. You and all the others are always in my heart and thoughts.


Note: If this is showing up years later, I thought I had shared this when it happened in November of 2020, but after a little searching I realized I had only posted it on our Instagram @FiveSibesMom page when it happened. It is definitely worthy of being here. These signs from our beloved furangels are so welcome, and show us how they are always with us. 


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