Preparing Your Dog for Back-to-School Time!

August has just arrived, and while our FiveSibes family and many other folks are still enjoying the summer time soaking up the sun and splashing in the water, the thought of school is not that far off. Some families are busy with the annual ritual of back-to-school shopping and physicals, and some kids have already started classes! But if you are in areas where September means back-to-school time, this post is for you!

While items such as bookbags, notebooks, and pencils are being added to shopping lists, the transition from summer sun to school-time fun could actually be a stressful one for pets. Here are a few of my FiveSibes "golden rules" to help ease the change for our furry best friends and their human pals:

Practice Makes Perfect (Sense)

Before the first day of school arrives, practice walking to the bus stop or driving your child to school with your dog accompanying you to introduce both your dog and child to the new routine.

Positive Reinforcement

While change can be stressful at first, remember to keep the mood light and upbeat. Dogs have radar when it comes to their person's mood and energy. Sing a few songs, smile, and laugh while practicing the new routine. This will help both the student and his/her canine companion feel more at ease.

Let's Talk!

There is much to be said about the art of conversation, and yes, with our pets, too! Before leaving for the day, be sure to let your children tell the dogs they are going, but they will see them after school. Dogs really do understand, and communication is so important, not only for the cherished human-canine bond but what a wonderful lesson to teach our kids about interacting with animals.

Voices Carry!

While away from your home, leave a radio or TV on low (or set on a timer) so your dog hears voices and doesn't feel alone!

Call Me! Call Me, Anytime!

If you have a landline phone, call in from your office to leave a message (be sure the answering machine is on) so your furry buddy can hear your voice. No landline? You can connect a two-way video camera that connects to your smart phone or tablet so you can periodically check in on your pet, have a quick chat, and some even allow you to dispense a treat from your location!

Treats Are Sweet!

When you and/or your child have returned home from school, while enjoying snacks of your own, don't forget to treat your canine to a "doggie" snack, too. Nothing says love to a dog more than a hug and a yummy (healthy) treat!

Study Time is Quality Time

Dogs just love to be with us, whether we are active or at rest. If your child is doing homework or studying for a test, having the dog nearby is not only bonding time, but is also calming for both student and dog.

Lonely Days Begone

If your child is heading away to college and your house is now an empty nest, your family dog will also feel that absence. A good Rx? Extra play time, hugs, kisses, and walks will definitely help you both! You can also visit your local dog park for some extra human and canine socialization.

Not So Home Alone
Thinking about adding a second pet to your family? This may be the perfect time! If so, why not think about fostering a compatible dog from a nearby shelter or rescue? It could be a win-win!

K9 Class Time

When the kids go back to school, it is also a great time to consider enrolling your dog in school! If your dog is already trained and well behaved, there are some really fun agility and doggy dance or trick classes to check out. Or, if you always thought your dog would be a great therapy dog, now would be a perfect time to enroll him/her in a training and certification program. 

 A few additional reminders with the arrival of 
school days' golden rule days: 
  • Please keep a watchful eye out for all the children walking,
  •  Stop for those school buses, and
  • Take extra precautions to keep your dogs safe from slipping out the door when everyone leaves or returns from school! (Be sure all pet collar tags and microchip info is up-to-date).
With a little pre-planning, practice, and patience, may we all receive a gold star for a safe and happy school season!

My above (modified) article was originally printed in my guest post over at 4Knines in August 2017


 Flashing back to the 2012 school year, our girl Bandit is all set for her K9 class with a new backpack and bandana! It's hard to believe this was six years ago already! Guess that makes her a college student now! Do you think she looks any different?

Affiliate Links Notice: This post contains affiliate links for books through Amazon, meaning if you click on the link for the product and purchase an item through one of the affiliate links below, I will receive a small commission *with no extra cost to you.
 Thank you!
Bandit's "school" books pictured in top photo are:

And, of course...


Bandit also has informational #Paws4Purple Canine Epilepsy bookmarks. If you would like FREE hard copies of the bookmarks and flyers, drop an Email to with "#Paws4Purple Materials" in the subject line.

Are you ready for back-to-school days?

Come join in our weekly stroll down Memory Lane in our FiveSibes Flashback Friday Blog Hop! Whether you share a photo of your pet from yesterday or yesteryear, let's have fun looking back over the amazing lives of our pets! What a wonderful way to kick off the weekend, too! We know how busy everyone one is, so the blog hop is open all week, so join in any time!

 Thanks for joining us!



  1. I never thought about how back to school relates to dogs. Do you know I once read, years ago, that someone's dog went crazy because her "owner" kept calling and talking on the answering machine, but of course the dog didn't see her. Great article with lots of helpful tips!!

  2. Lovely flashback of Bandit ready for school.

  3. Good advice and easy to follow. Fortunately, I have only fur babies so back to school is an issue for no one but me (who teaches classes). I'd love to try one of the tech cameras at some point (when the prices come down!)

  4. Our back to school days are over now, but oh how I remember all the emotions that come with it! It's funny how you mention leaving a message on a phone - we no longer have a land line phone, but when we did, our cat loved it when someone left a message! She used to sit by the machine and rub against it while the message was being left.

  5. My son is only four-and-a-half months old right now, so I have a ways before I have to send him off to school. But when I do I'll have to remember this post, since we'll most certainly still have dogs!

  6. Yep, tis the season, kids went back to school 2 weeks ago here.

  7. Love this post as so many times we forget how our pets feel when the kids go back so this is a great reminder. Love your flashback Fridays every week, have a great weekend

  8. Great post. Back to school affects us because Mom's schedule changes a lot and we miss seeing the grands:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Interesting...never thought about how kids going back to school impacts their pets. What a great article! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great post! I never thought about how back to school time impacts pets. I don't have human kids myself, so it's never been something I've had to worry about. I'll have to forward this to my sister, though, as I have two nieces who will be heading back to school in September.

  11. These are excellent tips Dorothy, thanks for sharing. Back to School can be a depressing time for pets - they miss the kiddos! Shared.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  12. These are such great tips! We adopted Theo in the summer of 2013, and he was so depressed when school started that year. This fall our youngest goes to college, so we all will have to make some adjustments.

  13. Great tips, so many people don't realize how back to school affects pet too. All summer they've had their buddies around, extra time outside or in the community, extra playtime and now that all changes. Pent up energy and wondering where their kid friend is can lead to behavior problems too.

  14. Some great tips! While I don't have school age kids anymore I always let the pups and kitties know I'll be right back. And now that we have a cat with separation anxiety I always leave the TV on-usually on HGTV lol.

  15. I forgot to comment I can't believe it!!

    Sees can you forgive me!

  16. We bet doggies really miss their human siblings when they go back to school. It's great for dog owners to have such good tips to make it better for them.

  17. Such an important reminder. It is so important to ease dogs into such a major change gradually instead of just springing the news on them to cope.

  18. I leave the TV or the radio on when I leave the house now. I always talk to my girls and tell them what I’m doing. These are some great recommendations.

  19. You provide some interesting tips for preparing pets for the back-to-school change in schedule/ routine. Good on you!

  20. My kids are grown up and I often work from home but I do have a very nice intern who is going back to university so will be part-time as of September. Kilo hates strangers but LOVES attention once he knows certain people. He will miss her so I'll give him extra treats and cuddles. So sad summer is almost ending as traffic gets even worse and you do have to really watch for kids on the road etc. Great tips.

  21. Great tips for back to school. The kids already returned to school here in Colorado!


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