Flashing Back to Christmas... in July!

While we may be toasty warm in the scorching summer heat...it won't be long before we are trying to stay toasty warm in the snowy cold! I thought since Christmas is just about five months from now, we'd flash back to Christmas 2014, when all the FiveSibes were nestled in their beds, visions of treats dancing in their heads as they waited so peacefully for Santa under the tree! This was the typical scene here each year on Christmas Eve and, while unbeknownst to me at the time, it would be Gibson's last Christmas Day with us for the following year, right before Christmas, he earned his furangel wings. While his absence still stings my heart, I can look at these photos and I'm right back in time, feeling all the love and peace of the holiday season shared with my beloved FiveSibes. I can remember feeling so blessed that these beautiful dogs were sharing life with me and my family. While looking for today's photos, I came across some video footage of this exact night, with Christmas music playing on the stereo in the background as Gibson, Harley, and Wolf all snoozed peacefully under the tree (Chloe and Bandit nearby). And I smiled; forever grateful for the taped memory of that night.

Wherever Gibson was, Harley (his love) was close by. And if you look closely at the photo above, you'll see Harley tucked in beside him in his bed. The photo on the right here shows here peeking up! How I miss my big fluffy boy...and how I miss the love he and Harley so obviously had for each other. They shared such a loving bond, from the moment he first laid eyes on her when he was just four months old! It was love at first sight for him! Christmases past with all FiveSibes were such a very special time indeed, a time not nearly long enough, but a time so precious to have had.

Join Us!!! 
Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashback Friday blog hop (we are open all week)! Just post your pic on your blog, grab our badge from below (yes, that's Gibson & little bro, pupster Wolfie!) & link to our blog, then join the blog hop below so others can come visit and see your flashback photos, too! A fun way to relive past fun times with our pets, present and past, and a great way to kick off a weekend! We hope you'll join us for some Friday fun! (To see past posts, put "Flashback Friday" in our Search bar at top of blog).

Grab Our Blog Hop Badge! 


We are also joining in the Pet Parade, hosted by Rascal & Rocco, 
Be sure to stop by and check out the parade of bloggers!



  1. It is amazing how much can change in a single day much less in an entire year! I love your Christmas flashback. ♥

  2. What a charming Flashback look! With all the heat lately, I'm rather looking forward to some cooler temps. 😁

  3. That was fun! I was hoping we would put up our tree!


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