Veterans Day: Honoring Our Heroes

Today is Veterans Day. Please take a moment on this 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour to reflect upon all of our veterans, past and present, two-legged and four-legged, who bravely defend our country and our rights. If you see a veteran, say "Thank You" for their service. Ask them how they are. If you are lucky, they will share a piece of history--their living history--with you. 

Why not visit your local animal shelter and make a donation of food, treats, goods, or money in the name of a K9 soldier? Or check with the U.S. Military War Dog Association to see how you can help these military service dogs  and their handlers of today by visiting their website HERE.

Also please visit the Save-A-Vet website, the Military and Law Enforcement Working Dog Rescue and Support site HERE to hear all about these amazing K9 heroes and how you can sponsor, support, and/or adopt one of these amazing dogs.

Thank you to our K9 Veterans...
...the U.S. Military War Dogs

Thank you to all our Veterans
for your service...

Have you seen the movie
"Always Faithful?"

 American Military War Dog Heroes
Siberian Huskies:

Photo by Herson Whitley. Permission Courtesy of Mary Ann Whitley.
 DOD MARCH 23, 2006 
Photo courtesy of

 In  Remembrance...

I dedicate this blog post to my father, who was a TSGT and served two tours during World War II, the first with the "Big Red One" - the U.S. Army's 1st Infantry Division, and then later on with the Rainbow Division, 42nd Infantry Division, was an avid animal lover. I remember him talking about dogs and puppies they would befriend out in the field and on base. Here is a photo I share each Veterans Day of him with two of his canine pals on base.

Let us please remember to take take a moment out of our day to pay homage to our U.S. veterans who fought so hard, and continue to do so, in order for us to have the freedoms we do.

The Flashback Friday Blog Hop is brought to you by us - the FiveSibes!  We welcome our co-host Love is being Owned by a Husky! We hope you'll find a photo or video from Memory Lane, post it, and link up to our Blog Hop each Friday! If you don't catch it on Friday, you can link up any time during the week! To catch our past Flashbacks, just enter "Flashback Friday" in the search box.  Come join us! We'd love to see your pets' Flashback pics! Just grab our badge below:

We are also joining in the Pet Parade, hosted by Rascal & Rocco, Bionic Basil, our co-host, Owned by a Husky, and Barking from the Bayou! Be sure to visit them and their hoppers! 


  1. Great reminder! Too many go about their day without a thought for the veterans who fought for our freedom.

  2. We are so thankful for our veterans. Thank you for joining the Pet Parade.

  3. What a great post and also great videos to share. I hadn't heard of Always Faithful, but it looks great. Thank you to all the veterans who have served our country.

  4. Thank u for sharing... we are all so thankful for our Veterans.

  5. Such a nice tribute. We love all our veterans, past, present and futur.

  6. Beautiful post and a lovely tribute. I like your idea of making a donation to a shelter in memory of a dog who served.

  7. Very nice.

    Happy Veterans Day!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  8. My grandfather also served in WW2 - just maybe they once met. Blessings to all those who serve and have served, and their families.

  9. I love your idea about making a shelter donation in the name of a soldier.

  10. What a wonderful post, My father R.I.P was in the Royal Air Force during the war in Egypt and Italy, he shared many stories with us.
    What a beautiful gesture making a donation in the name of a soldier - thank you

  11. I love that picture of your father with the two dogs on base! My dad is also a combat veteran from Korea. It's good to see canine veterans also honored for their service, too!

  12. Such a great post. Thank God for our veterans! I just love all the K9 Veteran recognition's as well!

  13. Lovely post especially about the canine veterans too

  14. You must be so proud of your Dad! I'm grateful to him and all those who have served our military. My Dad was a WWII Veteran as well. I miss him terribly. Thanks for sharing these wonderful videos & links!
    Love & biscuits
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  15. What a great photo of your dad! Thanks for sharing all the videos!

  16. What a wonderful compilation of images, and thanks for sharing your dad with us! We lost two uncles in WWII, purple heart - and while that brings comfort, it certainly doesn't bring back the moments of love. God bless you and yours and much thanks for your service!

  17. Great post. Thanks so much for writing this

  18. Oh, what a wonderful post. Very thoughtful and touching. Thanks for that and thanks to your dad.

  19. Beautiful tribute! Our veterans deserve to be recognized for what they've sacrificed for our freedoms. So many people don't understand that what they have is only made possible by the blood other people have shed. Thank you to all the veterans out there!

  20. We need to value our military and ensure (oddly enough) that thay don't have much work to do!! (does that make sense)

  21. Special thoughts, memories, and blessing to our veterans, both canine and human.

  22. What these dogs in the military do is amazing. I just watched the clip on your site - that dog that was in 17 battles in WW1 is remarkable. A lot of this I wasn't aware of -- thank YOU for posting this!

  23. Thank you for helping to remind everyone about the importance of commemorating Veteran's Day. We are forever in debt to those that have served our country.

  24. These k9 dogs are amazing! I have a book about secret service dogs that I need to read.

  25. Veteran's Day is such an important day, and we all need to honor our veterans. Both two legged and four.

  26. Thank you so much for this great post! And a huge thank you to your dad for all he did for our country!!! :)

  27. Celebrated on the 11th of November every year, Veterans Day marks the honoring of Military veterans who have served their nation through the United States Armed Forces.


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