Hike! to Help Homeless Huskies & The Blog Book Tour Continues!

"Hike!" is a very important word in the Husky world vocabulary. In musher-speak, it means to get going, but today I'd like to talk about a different hike - the upcoming Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue's (TOTTSHR) annual "Tails on the Trails" Husky hike and fundraising event that will take place on Saturday, September 29 - and this year marks their 10th anniversary! In the past, my FiveSibes and I have participated as remote hikers, and we will be again (see our fundraising button below)...but...I am really excited and honored because this year I was invited to be part of their 10th Anniversary hike! Woo! So if you are going, be sure to stop by my tent in the vendor section where I will have copies of What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy books on hand to sign and sell (and a percentage of proceeds still goes to the Canine Epilepsy Resources center), as well as some "Live GIB Strong" awareness bracelets, t-shirts, and free Canine Epilepsy Awareness info. I am so eager to meet and greet fellow Sibe parents and all the beautiful Huskies that will be there! I will also be armed with my camera to bring back lots of photos to share from the event. For more info on the Husky hike, check out HERE.

But before the big event, be sure to tune in to my "The Sibe Vibe" radio show on Sunday, September 16th, when Jenifer Maksin, a "Husky Momma" of two Sibes, and the Adoption Application Point Person,
Adoptions/Applications Committee Co-Chair, and a Board Of Directors - Member-at-Large at TOTTSHR will be the on-air guest on my show with co-host Robert Forto. We can't wait to chat with her all about the "Tails on the Trails" event, the rescue, her Epi-Husky Nukka, and all things Husky! If you can't tune in that day, don't worry because there will be a permalink created after the show so you can listen at any time! 

Our Blog Book Tour Continues...

Jenifer just recently conducted an interview with me about my Epi-Husky Gibson, my book, and about Canine Epilepsy Awareness. Please be sure to read her great interview HERE. And a heartfelt thanks goes out to Jenifer, Nukka, and TOTTSHR for joining our Blog Book Tour and helping us to spread the word about my book, Canine Epilepsy, and seizure disorders.

I would also like to thank A HUSKY LIFE who hopped on our Blog Book Tour and did a wonderful piece on What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy and we are so glad we were able to help point them in the right direction for understanding the disorder for their Epi-Husky, Rocco. Please check out their blog at BITES AND TALES to read the post and visit their Facebook page to check out all the things Rocco is busy doing, including a video of Rocco at school!

Please Pledge a Donation!
If you would like to help us raise funds for the TOTTSHR "Tails on the Trails" hike by sponsoring the FiveSibes and I, please do so here right here! While I am honored to be at hike this year, my Sibe kids will be home and we will be walking remotely to raise pledges beforehand. Please click HERE to make a donation on behalf of the FiveSibes - no amount is too small to help a homeless Husky! On behalf of the TOTTSHR Huskies, "Thank Woo!" 


  1. Hi Y'all!

    Just trying to get around and visit all my friends I've been missing. Hope y'all are havin' a great day!

    Good luck on raising your funds.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. That hike looks like it will be an amazing event. I popped over and read your interview as well - I learned a lot from it!


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