Here's to a Happy, Howling, Husky Halloween!

We hope you enjoyed the FiveSibes' little slideshow to launch us into the spirit of Halloween and all the "tricks or treats" this weekend will bring. While this is a fun time of year, here are just a few safety reminders to ensure that all of our pets remain happy and healthy during the Halloween season:
  1.  Keep chocolate and all Halloween candy away from where dogs can reach them. So many of these “treats” are toxic to canines. 
  2.  Be careful of toy treats as they could become choking hazards. 
  3. If you dress up your pet in a costume, keep the pet where you can see him/her at all times. Costumes can catch and hurt your pet’s limbs, and some fabrics that tie around the neck can also get caught on something or tighten, thereby choking the pet. 
  4. When the trick-or-treaters come ringing your doorbell, keep your dogs safe by keeping them in another room to avoid anxiety, as well as minimizing the possibility of their escaping out the front door. 
  5. Be sure to have your canine pal’s collar on with current ID tags, just in case they do escape during the commotion. 
  6. Tails wag; dogs jump – so be careful not to have any candles or jack-o-lanterns lit anywhere near your dog (and his tail and paws) to avoid burns and fire hazards. 
  7. While dogs love socializing and playing with children, especially Sibes, please don’t take them out while trick-or-treating. Even the most docile pet can become scared and react differently from the norm, i.e. jumping, growling, breaking free, etc. Leave them at home where they can be calm and safe in their own environment. 
  8. If you know your pet gets stressed from all the creepy talking Halloween decorations, music, visitors, and doorbell chimes, you may want to use a calming aid, such as the all-natural Rescue Remedy, or spray his/her pillow, blanket, or kennel with pheromone-mimicking Comfort Zone (or use the plug-in style) to help ease their anxiety. 
  9. If you have outside dogs, PLEASE don’t leave them out alone on Halloween (or even the night before). If you can’t bring them in, stay with them. There have been some horror stories of people tossing poisoned food into yards and having deadly, or at the very least, sickly results.
  10. In case of an emergency, have your vet’s, the 24-hour animal hospital’s, and Poison Control numbers programmed into your phone’s speed dial, as well as having them posted in plain sight.

  With an eye on our pets’ safety and well-being, here’s wishing all pets and their Hu-families a safe and “spook”tacular howling Howl-oween!


  1. hey FiveSibes,

    What a great spooky video! The Vampire Sibe kinda creeped me out! Can a Sibe Vampire suck the blood of a Malamute? I hope not!

    Great list of safety reminders. I hope all pets are safe during this spooky fun Halloween week-end.



  2. Great post, great tips, things all pupowners should know. We really loved SuperSibe:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. Happy Halloween to you and your super Sibes!

  4. Hawooooooooo!!
    I love your slideshow! I bet supersibe doesn't want to take off the cape now! Hmmm but looks like more tricks than treats!
    happy howl-a-ween

  5. Loved the video, you are all so cute in your Halloween photos.


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