International Epilepsy Day - Caring for A Dog With Epilepsy

Today is International Epilepsy Day! Each year, Epilepsy Day falls on the second Monday of February, and since February is the month of love, it is another perfect time to show a whole lot of love for our Epi-dogs (dogs with epilepsy)! 
A little background for new readers. I have been a proud official Purple Day® for Epilepsy Ambassador (for K9 Epilepsy) since 2012, inspired by my own journey with my beloved, amazing Gibson who was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy shortly after his third birthday. Through all his trials come tribulations with epilepsy, he never let having seizures stop him from having such a zest for life! I learned so much from him, and loved him dearly. He was my heart dog. Gibson is the namesake for all of my awareness and educational initiatives, and when he earned his wings, he had lived the last 7 years of his life seizure free. He did not pass from epilepsy. He passed from hemangiosarcoma.
I also am very proud and honored that in 2018, I met with two fabulous ladies from The Anita Kaufmann Foundation and was invited to create the #Paws4Purple initiative through the Purple Day Every Day/The Anita Kaufmann Foundation. To be recognized and promoted by both of these wonderful human organizations is such an honor, and truly helps promote awareness about dogs living with epilepsy, too. So many studies now under "One Health" shows the links, information, and commonalities that both humans and dogs face, and through this combined effort of study, much is being discovered to help both. Maybe - hopefully - one day there will be a cure. Until that day, we're here to help other families who are on the epilepsy journey with their dogs in an effort to let them know: A) They are NOT alone, and B) Go ahead and adopt a dog with epilepsy, C) You do NOT have to euthanize or surrender your dog if s/he has seizures, and most importantly, D) Help is just a keyboard click away!
It is important to know that Epilepsy is not a "one size fits all" disease. You may read in some groups or online so-called advice that just doesn't fit your Epidog. That's why it is so critical to be sure of your sources. While seizures can sometimes be triggered by a myriad of things, and sometimes your dog can have a "one and done," many dogs have recurring seizures. While many dogs have success with management of seizures through traditional medications, supplements, holistic treatments and therapies, nutrition and diet, and environmental changes, some dogs sadly may not respond. HOWEVER, there is much to do and try to help your dog live his/her best life. And the first important component is to always have an informed discussion with your Epi-dog's vet. And...if you are not happy with the info you receive, find a vet or vet neurologist you can be confident in for the care of your dog.


International #EpilepsyDay is the Second Monday of February
What is International Epilepsy Day?

According to the Epilepsy Foundation (, #EpilepsyDay "Started in 2015 and organized by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), the day provides a platform for people with epilepsy to share their experiences and stories with a global audience." It is also a day to advocate for those living with epilepsy, including dogs. 

By making a donation to a Canine Epilepsy Non-Profit to help with studies and aid for families with Epi-dogs!!! Here are a few ideas:

1. Purchase my book, EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy from my Ebay listing (under imashutrbug) during the month of February, and I will DOUBLE my standard 10% donation to 20% of sales to The Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab at the North Carolina State University-College of Veterinary Medicine. (NOTE: This is for USA residents at this time. If you live out of the country and are interested in the book, send me an Email to ArcticHousePublishing(at)gmail(dot)com and I can price out the USPS cost to ship it to you and then invoice you.)

2. Make a donation to the nonprofit The Wally Foundation~Canine Epilepsy (TWF) (TWF provides possible assistance with much-needed Epi-medications (AEDs - anti-epiletic drugs) upon approval.

3. Make a donation directly to The Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab at the North Carolina State University-College of Veterinary Medicine (via FiveSibes for the "Emma's Fund" through the Epil-K9 Foundation).
4. Make a donation to Your Fave Rescue for Epi-Dogs in Their Care (and tell us about it so we can share the fab news!)

Here at #FiveSibes we have a FREE Online #LiveGibStrong Library filled with info, links, books, videos, podcasts, and resources for *vetted* Canine Epilepsy information. The perfect place to start your journey and be armed with information and questions to discuss with your dog's vet/neurologist. This site and this blog were awarded the prestigious Maxwell Medallion for "Excellence" by the Dog Writers Association of America. Click HERE to visit the informational site. 
Did You Know Your Epi-Dog's Temperature Can Get Dangerously High During/After A Seizure and It's Important to Him/Her Down?
 Check out my vet-approved Cooling Down an Epi-Dog Poster for important tips.
 Click HERE!
Possible Triggers 
While sometimes we may never know what causes a seizure in dogs (idiopathic), it's important to check this list out to eliminate and rule out possible causes of triggers...
Click on image to read article.

30 Epi-Dog Care Tips Video:

 Caring For The Epi-Dog Caregiver:
The Importance of Self-Care Video
And, self-care for the Epi-Dog caregiver
is also an important component when sharing life with a beloved dog who has seizures. Watch our video, in conjunction with The Companion Animal Epilepsy Research lab, for valuable tips and hints for self-care. 

Read Inspiring Stories About Other 

Click on feature image below.

Always remember, Canine Epilepsy Awareness is not just one day or one month ~ it's each and every day because these dogs are amazing and don't let seizures keep them from loving life, so it's our job to help them live the best life possible, so they may also #LiveGibStrong." ~Dorothy "FiveSibesMom"




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