Let's Hear it For the Girl! Flashback Friday Features a Fab Follow-Up on Furpal Faith, Celebrating Her 15th Birthday Today!
Photo of Faith courtesy of Jeanette DaBaldo Today's Flashback Friday is bit different from our usual Memory Lane photograph postings; it's a Flashback Friday story update that features some flashback photos to last year! In the name of joy, happiness, and excitement, I am not going to bury the lead here today because we are so thrilled to send out big Happy Birthday woos and wishes to our very special furpal, my "furniece," and Wolf's sweetheart (and yes, they met online and fell in love at first "woof!")...the very beautiful Faith DaBaldo who turned 15 years young today! Let's hear it for the girl - wooooooooooooo! "I pawed the poem myself just for you, Faith." In a Flashback Friday photo essay, these are pics of Harley, and brothers Wolf and Gibson, all having a little Sibe fun "woochatting" via cell phone and laptop with Faith! Oh, these clever Siberian Huskies! Many may know Faith from Facebook,...