When I Was Quoted About Fostering Huskies


 #Flashback ~ 2014/2015 ~ Harley & My Quote & Best in Print Award ~ Featured in AmericanPet Magazine


It's funny, looking back over photos and published articles, and things I enjoyed with my dogs for my weekly #FlashbackFridays...while I remember every moment spent with them, this one hits a little different now a decade later. I came across this image above in an issue of AmericanPet Magazine, which I loved to write to for and do miss this magazine as it is on an indefinite hiatus. My photo of Harley with the then-newly released book Getting Healthy With Harley was featured in the magazine, and my quote was also highlighted! And then, my book being named "Best in Print!" Huge honor. Seeing it now...almost 10 years later...I feel proud of that book, which I just recently read to my grandson's class because he said it was his "favorite book!" Oh, how that touched my heart! 🥰 And then, to have a quote of mine highlighted by the publisher/editor, Suzin Karp, how wonderful! My words, even a decade later, still ring true. Foster parents ARE so needed and they hold an important role in rescue. Fosters do a wonderful, much-needed service. Foster parents allow for that dog to come out of rescue and live with their family, helping the dog and giving the rescue an open spot to rescue another Husky in need. That's also why I donate/d this book and/or a portion of sales to the Save Our Siberians Syberspace Rescue Fund. (You can read more about this phenomenal organization at: http://www.sos-srf.org/).


If you'd like to purchase Getting Healthy With Harley, visit my ArcticHouse Books & Gift Shoppe here on my blogsite by clicking on the bookstore image above! (Amazon is out of stock).

And, again, the fact that I was quoted in the magazine definitely ranks up there with "pretty cool."


"Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it." ~Ferris Bueller




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  1. Fostering has been quite the amazing experience...although I will note, I failed at the foster part. Still, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Fostering is a commitment to saving a life and I was glad to make that commitment.

  2. Fostering is life saving, I just wish more people did it. What I have found interesting now that I'm fostering again after losing Jack is how few people have ever heard of it, never mind know what it's all about. I've been doing a lot of educating lately as I walk around with my newest foster Milo.

  3. Yes indeeed, that was very, very cool!

  4. Fosterers are awesome people! I know if I did it I would fail every time. lol So glad there are people that do it. And congratulations on the quote!

  5. People need to know by fostering you make room for a rescue to take in another pup (or a kitty). This is SO important!

    I love seeing your memories. I discovered a flash drive this week with old photos from 2015 of Harvey and others. Of course I need to show them off too.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  6. In my eyes fosterers are angels, the way they work with the dogs, teaching them love and so much more amazes me every time. I would never be able to let them go and would be a failure for definite. You amaze me as to how much you have had publishes and being in a magazine congratulations, you deserve it all plus so much more.


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