The Power of Puppy Love With The Pupsters on a #FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

Our FiveSibes Pupsters!

Ahhh, is there anything sweeter than puppy breath? Today, we are fondly flashing back to when our Pupsters, who are now 10, were just little two-month-old pups! The bond they formed as puppies and have kept over the years is just amazing. What a joy to see these siblings always have the love and security of each other, never to be separated! They warm my heart today just as they did when they first joined our family! What a joy!

"Happiness is a warm puppy." ~Charles M. Schulz
"Joy is raising three puppies together!" ~Dorothy Wills-Raftery

I have heard folks say "you shouldn't raise littermates together" - and I say hogwash to that! It has been one of the greatest experiences for my puppies and me! As a matter of fact, I just recently penned an article called "Puppy Power: Yes, You Can Raise Littermates Together" in my monthly column over at 4Knines blog. You can check out my tips HERE! (Just in case you were thinking of welcoming multiple puppies to your family, too)!

Read my full article HERE!

Now, go enjoy those puppy kisses, right up through ages!

Join us each week for a fun and memorable stroll down Memory Lane in our FiveSibes Flashback Friday Blog Hop! The list is open all week, so if you are busy on Friday, you can come back and still link up! Be sure to visit the "hoppers" blogs, too, for some great fun and photos. What a wonderful way to remember those younger days--whether it is a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, or decades ago! Show us your pet's pics and come hop along!


  1. I have heard conflicting opinions on this and personally feel that if you want to have two dogs then best to adopt siblings as they are used to each other and there will be less problems in the long run.

  2. So cute! My youngest dog will be 3 next month, and my oldest is 9. I'm not quite sure where the time went. Puppy fever totally gets me. I just adore puppies, although it will probably be awhile before we're realistically able to add to our pack. I always miss my dogs' puppy days once they are older, although I do adore then as older dogs too, of course.

  3. I've always wondered about raising siblings? I don't know if I would give it too much thought though - I was also told not to have two female dogs but I do and everything is working out just fine :)

  4. I've never had a puppy, so I don't know what it's like to raise a dog from "scratch" as it were. I can't imagine raising 3 at one time, but I imagine there must be a lot of advantages. You must have had a blast!

  5. I had never heard that you shouldn't raise littermates together. I would think the opposite would be true. And in your and your pups' case, it is.

  6. What a cute photo! I think I’d heard that somewhere, too, but obviously that’s not an issue for all dogs. Happy Friday!

  7. Not raising littermates together is just plain silly, if they get along then all should be fine.

  8. Well, I know people who had a hard time making things work with littermates. I suppose there are plenty of variables as with everything. But I can see the potential challenges with that.

  9. Our cats are litter mates(well, 4 out of 5 are) and I can't imagine living without all of them! I could imagine the same thing goes for dogs, too! :)

  10. I don't like when people tell you "never do this or that" because as you've proven with your pups, there is no one size fits all.

  11. Puppy breath is the best I wish I had a puppy again. I reminisce when my Bella was a little baby she was so cute. I wish I had brought her sister too but I couldn't at that time. I guess raising three puppies must be difficult but I do not judge. I still want another puppy =)

  12. Funny - I adopted siblings (2 females) -- which I later learned most rescues and shelters will not do - thankfully they got along wonderfully - but they were TOOOO close. They cried any time they were separated and had severe anxiety. And one one passed away - the other passed just a couple of months later. :-( I am glad yours are doing great and agree -- puppy breathe is the best!

  13. Aww what a sweet photo! Like the three musketeers! So adorable.

  14. We absolutely are huge fans of puppy breath!

  15. Sibling adoption (OK cats) worked for us. They grey up happy and friendly and chase the hell out of each other from time to time, the way they do with no-one else.

    Adopt a brofur and sisfur? YOU BET!

  16. I've never heard that you shouldn't raise siblings together, except that two puppies at the same time can make training very challenging. I've always heard that it's best to have them a year or so apart so one dog can help train another.

  17. It's not always that siblings don't get along but that pet parents don't take the time to train them on an individual basis. Everyone needs to understand their role and be peaceful.

  18. I've always wondered why some people say you shouldn't raise puppy siblings together. I mean, their ancestors lived in a pack, it seems perfectly normal to keep them together.

    That being said, I've never had two dogs from the same litter. I'm glad it worked out so well for your family!

  19. I've never heard that you shouldn't raise littermates together. It makes a lot of sense if you do. I've always wondered what the relationship with her littermate, Beignet, would have been had he lived.

  20. I love the photo of them nosing each other! I can't imagine any logical reason not to raise littermates together! I love that you had 3 puppies together - I mean God bless you for being able to handle 3 Husky puppies at once, I don't think I could do it LOL!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  21. I think it can be done, it's just a lot more work! Just one puppy is a lot of work.


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