MARK YOUR CALENDARS! March 26 is Our 10th Annual #LiveGibStrong Purple Day® for K9 Epilepsy Blog Hop & Media Share


It's that time of year when we turn everything P-U-R-P-L-E!

As a Purple Day® for (K9) Epilepsy Ambassador since 2012, in honor of my Gibson (an Epi-dog; dog with epilepsy), in 2015 I began hosting a annual Purple Day® for Epilepsy Blog Hop & Social Media Share -10 years ago!  Little did I know in March, that nine months later, my Gibson would earn his furangel wings. In hindsight, he eventually had kicked the seizure monster to the curb, living the last seven years of his life seizure free. He passed shortly before his tenth birthday, and not from epilepsy. 

The purpose of the annual blog hop (and eventually media share was added) was to reach others through blogs and a variety of social media platforms to let them know that with some with some special care and treatment (traditional, holistic, environmental, and/or dietary), along with lots of love, Epi-dogs like Gibson can—and DO—live happy lives, just like other dogs who do not have epilepsy.

Hope you all can join us all in "going purple" for epilepsy - K9, feline, equine, rabbit, any pet, and human. It doesn't have to be a blog post, it can be a photo, or artwork, etc., shared on any of your social media. Simply come here on March 26th and drop your link in to your post! Full details down below!

What is Purple Day?

What's Purple Day® All About? 

What's with the purple? you may be asking yourself. If you have not already seen my Purple Day video, please take a few minutes to watch it, and not only will you learn why it's Purple Day and not Blue Day or Pink Day, but you will also discover how an amazing young girl named Cassidy Megan from Canada founded Purple Day in 2008 when she was just nine years old! 

Since we here at FiveSibes advocate for awareness for dogs with epilepsy, in this video below you will see some beautiful dogs from all over the world--both Epis and non--join together to show their support to #GoPurple for epilepsy awareness.  

"I started Purple Day to raise awareness for people with epilepsy and to let them know that they aren’t alone. At Purple Day, we want to educate people about what to do and what not to do when they see someone having any type of seizure."  
~Cassidy Megan, Purple Day® Founder


 On March 26th, we'll be hosting our 10th Purple Day® Blog Hop and Media Share. 
Wow. 10 years. 
A lot has happened in the past decade...join us on March 26th to read all about the past 10 years of Canine Epilepsy awareness and what's ahead!

 Start Planning Your Blog or Social Media Post!

How to participate? EASY! You simply have to post a pic on your social media of something purple, such as: 
🟪 Turn a photo of your pet purple (does not have to be an Epi-dog, we welcome all pets to help get the word out about Purple Day and K9 Epilepsy Awareness)
🟪Create a fun purple graphic  

🟪 Bake up a batch of yummy purple doggy or human treats 
🟪 Share a grape lollipop with a loved one (just not your dog!)

🟪 Write a poem or short essay about your dog or human who is living with epilepsy
🟪 Share a piece of artwork depicting Purple Day or your pet with purple on them
🟪 You're the artist, be creative! 
Then simply come back to our blog here at on March 26th (goes live at 12:00AM EST) and link up to our Blog Hop & Media Share post (not sure how? Directions will be on the Purple Day post)...and that's it! Your info will become part of our boost here on our blog and folks visiting can "hop around" and read everyone's post, as we all will! I will also be sharing it across our social media accounts!
Don't forget - in the meantime, if anyone is looking for a reliable, accurate, vetted resource for information on Canine Epilepsy so they can be prepared for an in-depth knowlegable conversation with their vets, send them to our always FREE FiveSibe #LiveGibStrong Online K-9 Epilepsy Resource Library!
Hope to see you & your PURPLE on the 26th! 

 Don't forget to add our badge to your post!

 (feel free to take a screenshot!)

A heartfelt "Thank You" to my current co-hosts & 
their beloved Epi-dogs:
Jan & "Ruby" of Ruby, the Therapy Dog
Jeanaann & "Olivia" of Oh, the Life of Olivia
Tracy & "Gibbs" of GIBBS-erish...Making Sense of Canine Epilepsy
~Dorothy "FiveSibesMom" & Furangel Gibson
 Since this is #FlashbackFriday, this week's photos from Memory Lane is, of course, of my now furangel and beautiful Epi-boy, Gibson!
FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Gibson ~ Purple Day 2014

💜 Memories Are Visits For the Heart 💜


I am dedicating this Pre-Purple Day® for (K9) Epilepsy post to our beloved fellow Epi-dog furpal, and longtime co-host of this #LiveGibStrong Purple Day Annual Blog Hop & Media Share, "Olivia", of Oh, the Life of Olivia and Knotty Toys for Good Dogs.

In Memory of Olivia
 Beautiful Olivia has been a longtime amazing fellow ambassadog for dogs with epilepsy (Epi-dogs), and along with her hu-mom, Jeanaann, co-host here for my annual Purple Day Blog Hop & Media share for almost a decade. She and her hu-mom have shared much info and even free Ebooks to help others, and Jeanaann is the longtime social media as well for The Wally Foundation ~ Canine Epilepsy.
Olivia was also featured as one of my Epi-Stars, where we shared her story. You can read it HERE. 
On February 19th, Olivia celebrated her 14th Gotcha Day, but sadly, after an illness, she suddenly earned her furangel wings one week later, on February 21st, and now joins my Gibson and Ruby, the Therapy Dog beyond the Rainbow Bridge. 
Epilepsy did not take this Epi-warrior. Olivia kicked its butt and her hu-mom said she had "896 seizure free days!" These three Epi-dogs and longtime co-hosts as ambassadogs for K9 Epilepsy—Olivia, Ru, and my Gibson—were all such incredible Epi-warriors who never let seizures stop them from enjoying life, and with their equally amazing hu-moms, always try to help other caregivers of Epi-dogs.
I know dear Olivia would want everyone to remember how dogs with seizures will never stop them from loving life.
Jeanaann, sending you big, teary hugs. 
Olivia, you will always be remembered.


 Grab Our #FlashbackFriday Badge! 
(You can take a screenshot)

Join Us!

The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Please include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along down Memory Lane with us and visit the other blogs. Don't forget to leave a nice comment!

***If you have to post Anonymously, be sure to add your name/pet name/blog name in the comment so we know who you are!***



  1. I can't believe this campaign is already in it's 10th year!! You've done such amazing outreach, being a valuable resource for so many people who share their lives with an epi dog. It can be a lonely and frightening journey, and you've been a great support.

  2. Such an amazing event with so much heartfelt support.

  3. I have a calendar for special blog events, and this is now on it, so i really did mark my calendar and i'm looking forward to it.

  4. I just marked my calendar and as soon as I'm done here, I'm going to create an image to put in the sidebar of my website. This is such a great event! Gibson is smiling down on you as you carry on his legacy. 10 years is a HUGE deal! I hope that there will be a cure before the next 10 years roll around. I'm sending hugs to you as I know Gibson will be even more on your mind as this event draws closer. I'm also sending hugs to Olivia's family. Such a sweet pup! I'm sharing this with all my pet parents so they can join in as well. Thanks for everything you do, Dorothy!

  5. Wow...10 years- that's awesome! And an amazing way to honor Gibson. March 26th is the birthday of my epi dog who has since passed (not from epilepsy). I will start thinking of a way to celebrate Purple Day as another way to honor him.

  6. WOW 10 years, that is amazing and thanks for reminding me and will put it on my Calendar for definite also, Purple Day is such an important day and special day to honor him, big hugs

  7. I'm really excited for this! I'm going to try and make a purple thing part of my photography project. I am proud to support such a wonderful and important holiday like this.

  8. Thank you for posting this. We will certainly support you with purple photos on Purple Day.

  9. Wow, congrats on 20 years, that's awesome!! I'll mark my calendar


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