Birthday Wishes to FiveSibes Amazing Longtime Vet!


Woo! There's a birthday in the FiveSibes atmosphere ~ our longtime, many pets-over-the-years (including a bunny) wonderful vet, Dr. Arnold Rugg! 
Oh, how my Gibson adored going to his office to meet him and be fawned over by all the wonderful techs and staff! Dr. Rugg is who I worked with when Gibson first began having seizures, and he helped come up with a protocol that really helped. He also was always open to all of my, "Hey, Dr. Rugg, what do you think about...." and very willing and receptive to talk about any other therapies to try.  
I had his number on speed dial, and the one time I used it was when Gibson suddenly collapsed after hours and we rushed him to the ER clinic. There, he was dying, but a call at 2:30 AM was answer by Dr. Rugg, who had him transferred to his own hospital where he cared for him, then did follow-ups with Gibson for IVs at home. Gibson rallied, but after a getting him strong enough for surgery, he sadly was diagnosed, and passed from, hemangiosarcoma. 
Dr. Rugg also was always willing to share his expertise with me for articles and podcasts over the years! He oversaw Gibson's laser treatments over the years, and performed surgeries on Wolfie, and made the specialist recommendations for when Chloe blew out both of her CCLs, followed by Wolf. Whenever you hear me talk of having a great vet, the model I am always referring to is Dr. Rugg! All of my FiveSibes really adored him and I know how he loved them. 
So, we're sending out big Happy Birthday wishes to one of the best docs I know! Pictured above is Dr. Rugg with Gibson. To the right are the rest of our pack:Chloe, Wolfie, Bandit, and Harley. All loved Dr. Rugg! I bet they are having some wild zoomies up North of the Rainbow Bridge in his honor! (Probably why we're getting so much snow!)

Thanks, Dr. Rugg, for all the care and love you gave to all of my pets, especially my beloved FiveSibes, and for your continued friendship! 



  1. Happy Birthday to the wonderful Dr. Rugg!

  2. I know it's late, but I still wish him many happy returns of the day (and I'm trying hard to catch up, work keeps me hopping).


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