FiveSibes: Celebrating 15 Years of K9 Blogging & A Blogiversary Giveaway!


Woo! Wow! Happy 15th Blogiversary to us! What a special #FlashbackFriday this is! My FiveSibes blog debut post was this month on February 23rd about Pet Dental Health Month. And what a reception I received from fellow bloggers in Blogville! What a terrific place to be and host a blog. We're like family - a "blogmily" - we have seen each other through the highs of having amazing pets to the lows of losing them. I have made so many wonderful friends here, who also have wonderful blogs of their own.

Enter Our Giveaway for a Custom FiveSibes 
Embroidered Patch At End of this Post!

Here at FiveSibes I was inspired, of course, by my beloved five beautiful Siberian Huskies - Harley, Gibson, Wolfgang, Chloe, and Bandit. Sharing my life with these five amazing dogs was, well nothing short of AH-mazing. When my daughter asked for a Siberian Husky, we already had our sweet, adopted German Shepherd/Akita, Chelsey, who at the time was in her golden years. With my daughter being 17 and ready to handle a dog of her own, we welcomed Harley, a gorgeous black and white, blue-eyed stunning puppy. Harley was our first Husky, and as a result, I absolutely fell in the love with the breed, and eventually wound up with five! (And you all know that story!) What an amazing time in my life. I began writing about them and the breed, and then eventually, after my big fluffy wooly boy, Gibson, was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy, I became an advocate for Epi-dogs (dogs with epilepsy) and added writing about Canine Epilepsy awareness to my docket of writing topics here.

My First FiveSibes Blog Post!

#Flashback ~ Harley ~ February 2010
We've come a long way baby! My first blog post was pretty simple. Over the years, I've changed the look of the blog (as technology changes, this dinosaur needed to also), designed it as a more smartphone and tablet friendly site, and as a journalist by trade, I have always continued to bring readers news about Siberian Huskies, rescues, Canine Epilepsy, and all things K9.

I loved, and still love, writing this blog!

A Quick Look Back at Some Posts Over the Years...
  (you may have to give it second for the gif to load)

#Flashback ~ FiveSibes Blog ~ 2010-2025

Nowadays, things are different for me. Having all five of my beloved FiveSibes earn their wings, Wolfie being the last, I questioned whether I would continue this blog. I grieved. A lot. Adjusting to life without my FiveSibes is surreal. I still feel them all around me. I see them everywhere I look. I wound up taking a blogging break. But, five sets of paws who first inspired me, through their love and my honor of being their hu-mom, continue to push at me and encourage me from beyond the Rainbow Bridge, to continue this blog in their name in hopes of bringing smiles and vetted information to my readers.

💙 #ForeverFiveSibes 💙 

Plus, I love hosting the weekly #FlashbackFriday, sharing photos and memories of alpha queen Harley, Gibson who was so in love with her, and the silly, wacky Pupsters - Wolfie and his sisters Bandit and Chloe.

I also enjoy highlighting various rescues and shelters with Huskies waiting for their forever homes in my #WaitingWednesday posts.

Also fun is bringing news and reviews of new books, movies, podcasts, etc., by fellow authors as well as news from me, on my #NewsyTuesday posts. 

In 2012, with encouragement from Robert Forto (producer), I debuted my first podcast episode of "The Sibe Vibe" on Dog Works Radio, which ran through 2019! I do think about doing a few "special" episodes, so who knows? Maybe 2025 is the year! 

#Flashback ~ 2022 ~ "The Sibe Vibe" 10th Anniversary

I miss doing YouTube and Vimeo videos with my Sibes, especially my Canine Cooking Corner with recipes, oh, that was their favorite! I mean, treats, right? I have decided to occasionally do a few more. After all, I have thousands of videos and photographs (!!!) of my FiveSibes that I believe will still bring so much joy to others.

I am beyond thrilled that this FiveSibes blog and my companion #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Online Resource Library was awarded the Dog Writer Association of America's prestigious Maxwell Medallion for "Excellence" in 2022 - what an honor and way to pay homage to my furry five best friends.

I have always been able to share wonderful accomplishments with you all, too. From the publications and awards of my dog books and magazine articles, to becoming an official Purple Day® for (K9) Epilepsy Ambassador (for 13 years now!), invited to join Purple Day® Every Day, Presented by the Anita Kaufmann Foundation in 2018 and creating #Paws4Purple - the FIRST canine epilepsy initiative to join a human nonprofit, collaborating on a special "Caring for the Epi-Dog & Caregiver: The Importance of Self Care" video slideshow with The Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab at North Carolina State University-College of Veterinary Medicine, and everything in between.

A huge "THANK YOU" must go out to all of you, my readers. Your support, comments, and follows, means the world to me. And when I hear that something I've written touched one of you or helped, it once again reminds me of how wonderful Blogville is. Your continued support of my writing is so appreciated!

I don't know if my FiveSibes blog will be here in another 15 years, but I do hope it will be active for a long time to come. I am so thankful for the past 15 years, and while I miss my furry sidekicks so much, they are always right in my heart as I write here on this blog. And, write here I will continue to do for the foreseeable future.

Raffle Time!

Now, 15 years seems like a great time to have a drawing to say thanks for being with us on this, I'm going to be raffling off a custom-made embroidered FiveSibes patch, with a purple ribbon for K9 epilepsy awareness! 


My boy, Wolfie, with our FiveSibes patch!

A little trivia: one of my patches was worn by musher Nicole Forto on the sleeve of her coat (you can see it the photo on the left) when she raced in the Junior Iditarod!

 And pictured below, Nicole below with a closer look at our patch proudly displayed on her jacket. She also took my book Getting Healthy With Harley along for the Iditarod ride! Click on her pic below to read my blog article!

 (Age 18+. *Be sure to comment on the blog how long you've been a FiveSibes reader to qualify!)*

Drawing Ends February 28th at 12 AM EST

 Giveaway is now Closed.  
Thank you for entering!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


One of the portraits of my FiveSibes 
commissioned by the talented artist/illustrator Cameo Anderson 
Thank you for 15 years of readership! 
~Dorothy "FiveSibesMom"
#Flashback ~ Me and my fur"kids" 2010 (
l-r): Harley, Gibson, Chloe, Wolfie, and Bandit DWAA Interview 2024

💛 Memories Are Visits For the Heart 💛


Join Us!

The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Please include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along down Memory Lane with us and visit the other blogs. Don't forget to leave a nice comment!

***If you have to post Anonymously, be sure to add your name/pet name/blog name in the comment so we know who you are!***
 Grab Our #FlashbackFriday Badge! 
(You can take a screenshot)


Back to our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit Our Other Pages, including Our #LiveGibStrong On-Line K-9 Epilepsy Resource Page,  About the Siberian Husky Breed, Rescues, Lost & Found, Other K9 Articles by FiveSibesMom, ArcticHouse Gifts & Books Shoppe, and more! Just click on "More" Pages at top of blog.




  1. Happy Blogoversary! You've done so much over the years. What a ride!

  2. Happy 15th Blogoversary, Dorothy! What joy it has to be blogging with you all these years. We, too are coming up on 15 years of blogging. So glad you kept on. ♥

  3. I’m so glad you are still here! We have been following for almost as long as we’ve been blogging. This May will be 13 years since I started our collie blog. Happy Blogoversary!

  4. Hooray and congratulations on 15 years of blogging! You've created a beautiful website with so much great info. If I ever get to retire and have a dog, I'll be mining here for info (although I wouldn't bring a poor Husky to the swamps of Louisiana, it's too hot here most of the year for such a beautiful cold-loving breed).

  5. It sure has been an amazing journey. Happy Blogoversary from all of us!

  6. Happy Blogoversary everypawdy, what a pawesome achievement! 🎉🎊🐾🐾🎊🎉

  7. Happy Blogoversary! I'm so glad you continued blogging. You needed to for yourself and for Gibson, Harley, Wolfie, Bandit, and Chloe. But we all needed you to as well. As I've said many times, you are an inspiration to me. I'm only four years in and I'm glad I have you to look for encouragement. I hope you do a special podcast or youtube this year. That would be pawsome! As always, I'm sharing this wonderful post with all my dog parents. Henry and I send our hugs your way.

  8. WOW 15 years, you are an inspiration to many and I love your blog and sharing with others, I have learned so much from you and your angels, congratulations

  9. Wow, Dorothy, you've had such an amazing "life" here in the Blogosphere! I don't even know how long we've been friends and how long I've been following you, but it's probably been very close to the 11 years that I've been blogging! We met through BlogPaws, which I joined my very first few months of blogging. You've always been an inspiration to me, not only with your awesome Husky Mom experience and your excellent writing, but also by your willingness to share to help others in so many ways. You are just awesome, friend!

  10. We wanted to wish you a Happy Blogoversary!!! 15 years of blogging is an accomplishment you can be proud of.

  11. Wowzers! We are excited to be celebrating year #15 with you guys! Happy Blogoversary! Our predecessor, The Cat From Hell was inspired by you guys and insisted that our Peep start her blog in August of 2010! We are so furry happy that your Peep continues to post as we find you guys are a real inspiration! Keep being AWESOME! You #1 Fan Boy Cat - Marvelous Marv (and Kozmo, and Jo Jo and our Hairy Slobbery Sister - Nutmeg) & Mom Barb

  12. Happy Blogoversary! Wow, 15 years!!n We've been reading your posts off and on for a few years...I shall have to try and be more 'regular'!

  13. Oh no, our comment disappeared. Happy 15 Years of Blogging. We think we have been here with you for all of those 15 years. We have truly enjoyed sharing in the joy of your Sibes, your many helpful posts on so many topics, and your many accomplishments in so many areas, too many to enumerate. But we must say we really do miss the Five Sibes. We know they are all running free with all of our Angels too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. ♪♫Happy Blogoversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Blogoversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Blogoversary Dear FiveSibes,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Blogoversary to you.♪♫

  15. Congratulations and thanks for all the love and memories you have shared !

  16. Happy Blogoversary to you dear Dorothy! Those angel Huskies will be dancing for joy across the Bridge. The work you do for dogs is immense and your DWA award must be a huge source of pride. I love seeing the joy that radiates from your page with every happy post. Keep on going!

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    Dash Kitten

  17. Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary!

    Pris cilla King

  18. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! We enjoyed blogging beside you in the early years. May all of our pups enjoy life!

  19. This is Loulou, not anonymous, thanking you for great posts over the years. HURRAH.

  20. Congratulations of an amazing 15 years, Dorothy. Your smiles and valuable info have carried me through some dark days since I adopted Elsa who began having seizures shortly after she was adopted over 8 years ago. Always have loved your positive and loving look back at your Five Sibs and all the amazing info that have helped Elsa lead a doggone good life as a card carrying member of the epi-community. Thank you for all you've done and bless you for being here for us all.


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