A Howling Howloween Flashback Friday!

Booooohaaaaaaaaahaaaaawoo! We're in frightfully good spirits and are flashing back three years to 2012 when our Bandit girl was trying to spook us by lying in wait in the glow of the jack o'lanterns! We're also highlighting our Howl-o-ween Pets on Parade video from that same year featuring so many of our fabulous furfriends. Some are now celebrating at the Rainbow Bridge, and they sure are missed, our own  Smokie included, but the wonderful thing about Flashback Fridays are these fond strolls down Memory Lane where we can remember those precious times spent together.

See if you can spot some familiar furry faces...

Flashback Fridays are brought to you by us - the FiveSibes - and our co-host, Love is being owned by a Husky, each Friday. We hope you'll find a photo or video from Memory Lane, post it, and link up to our Blog Hop each week! If you don't catch it on Friday, you can link up any time during the week! To catch our past Flashbacks, just enter "Flashback Friday" in the search box. We hope you'll come join us!

We're also hopping on the Pet Parade Blog Hop, so be sure to pop by and visit the host's, cohosts', and hoppers' blogs, too!
Hosted by Rascal and Rocco with co-hosts Bionic Basil, Barking From The Bayou, and Love Is Being Owned By A Husky


  1. that was such a great video - so many friends, some still here, others over that darn bridge. Happy Halloween.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

    1. Thank you, OP Pack! We hope you have a great Howloween!

  2. Oh this was cool!!! hope you guys had a fantastic Howl-O-Ween!!!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. That is a great pic, in the light of the jack-o-lantern! Hope you had fun on Halloween and thanks for joining the Pet Parade! ~RascalandRocco


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