Kicking Off Memorial Day Weekend With Pet Safety Tips on #FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

On this special FiveSibes Flashback Friday, I'd like to share this pets' holiday safety tips graphic, featuring my furangel Gibson in a patriotic photo from a few years back, as a reminder so everyone, including our furbabies, can safely enjoy the long holiday weekend.

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Monday is Memorial Day, a day of remembrance for fallen United States servicemen, women, and canines, who bravely served our country. While it unofficially marks the start of summer in many areas, with family get-togethers, picnics, barbeques, pool time, and more, we can not forget the true meaning of the day and take a few minutes to pay homage to those veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice throughout the years for our country.

 With Special thanks to Phil Weitlauf, U.S. Army Veteran- 1962-1968- Vietnam Era, for this video. (Please note, video may not play on mobile devices).

War Dog Memorial from Paul Pytlowany on Vimeo.

For more information on the U.S. War Dogs, visit the United States War Dog Association HERE.

For so many other K9 soldiers, their handlers, and human soldiers, sadly did not return home. And today, Memorial Day, is a day of reflection, respect, and honor for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the freedoms we do each and every day. We thank you for your service. 
You will never be forgotten.

 Video via the History Channel (Please note: video may not play on mobile devices).

This Memorial Day weekend post is dedicated to my late Dad, who served with the U.S. Army's "Big Red One" 1st Division, 16th Infantry and his second tour with the Rainbow Division, 42nd Infantry. This photo was taken of him during WWII on base with two of his furpals. His compassion for, and love of, dogs is just part of his legacy.While my dad survived two tours in WWII, we did lose him way too early, just 34 years after his honorary discharge. This Memorial Day, I'd like to remember and honor my Dad for his brave service.

Have a Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend!

 Flashback Fridays are brought to you by us - the FiveSibes - and our co-host, Love is being Owned by a Husky, each Friday. We hope you'll find a photo or video from Memory Lane, post it, and link up to our Blog Hop each week! If you don't catch it on Friday, you can link up any time during the week! To catch our past Flashbacks, just enter "Flashback Friday" in the search box.  Come join us! We'd love to see your pets' Flashback pics! Just grab our badge below:

We are also joining in the Pet Parade hosted by Rascal & Rocco, Bionic Basil, our co-host, Owned by a Husky, and Barking from the Bayou! Be sure to visit them and their hoppers!


  1. Very good tips! I definitely worry about escaping cats when guests come over, so I always do a head count. Happy Memorial Day!

  2. That is a great photo of your dad. It is a good thing to take time out and remember.

  3. Important tips to remember. Good job.

  4. It is so easy to forget about things like pool nd plants as well as hot pavements and sufficient water. Great post - and our respects to USA veterans. NZ has Anzac Day as our equivalent, remembering servicemen who fell at Gallipolli.

  5. You always have such great information to share. Thank you and happy weekend.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  6. Great list of safety reminders! We will be staying in this year. It's too hot to do anything outside unless you have a pool (our new house does, but we don't move for another month!). This year we'll be remembering and honoring our fallen soldiers.

  7. Great tips! Ruby tends to stick pretty close to me during times of excitement. She's still a bit nervous.

    Such a nice tribute to fallen soldiers. My dad is a combat veteran, but fortunately he was able to come home while so many others did not.

  8. Good list (here fireworks are an issue too) and you reminded me that this is your Memorial Day weekend - about remembrance which is more honourable than ours. Canada's long weekend was last week.It's suppose to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday for some reason, but it's more frequently called May two four because it's near the 24th and beer comes in cases of 24. It's beer weekend.
    I think I'd be more proud of remembrance.

  9. PAWSOME and important tips! Thank you for sharing and hope all pets are safe this weekend!

  10. Thank you for these wonderful tips: I think folks always need a reminder close to the holidays. The gates is a solid one and poisonous plants is KEY and one that often gets left off.

  11. Great post gang and a wonderful tribute to our heroes.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Great post and thank you for talking out for those that sacrificed their lives for our safety

  14. Great tips for a safe Memorial Day. The tribute to the War Dogs made me cry. I can't believe that there only 18 War Dog monuments in the U.S. Your dad sounds like an amazing man. ♥ you are very lucky to have had him.

  15. Wonderful safety tips for pets over the holiday weekend. I sometimes worry that people get so caught up in holiday planning parties and outings that they forget some of these really important tips.

    I also really appreciate your tribute to your father and to all our heroes, human and canine. Happy Memorial Day!

  16. Great post, so many times our pets are easy-going for most of the year, but freak out during holidays - it's easy to forget to take the precautions each year!

  17. Gibson makes a perfect image for Memorial Day. :) He was so handsome! It is important that we remember all of the men and women who have protected our right to live freely and love our pets as we see fit.

  18. Those are really great tips and reminders. It is so important to keep collars and tags on your pet as well as the microchip info updated in case they accidentally get out.

  19. Thank you for the reminders and the great tips!

  20. Thanks for the helpful tips! We hate summer not only for all the HOT but for all the bangs!

  21. These are great safety tips to keep year-round.

  22. Awesome tips! It's great to have fun, but always always always be safe!

  23. Those are some great tips, especially the emergency leash. We keep a slip on leash in the glove compartment of the car just in case. I hope you had a great Memorial Day!

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